Why You Need a Furnace Tune up This Fall

01 Oct, 2019

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Most homeowners know an annual furnace checkup is important, but often let it sit on the backburner of services needed for the home. Perhaps they don’t think that maintenance is necessary and don’t pay attention until it’s time for costly repairs.


Here’s why you should make an annual furnace checkup a part of your fall routine.

Reduce Your Energy Bill

A furnace can make up about 50% of your energy bill. That adds up, especially if we have a particularly long, chilly winter. A well-tuned furnace will be more efficient, and use less energy. In fact, regular maintenance can save you as much as 30% on your energy bills. Combine that with a programmable thermostat and you’re on your way to a much more efficient home.

Keeps You Safe

Annual furnace maintenance helps keep you and your family safe. Because furnaces produce heat through burning fuel, it’s important to ensure the combustion process is running smoothly. A problem in the system can lead to a gas leak which creates a very dangerous situation. An unchecked furnace also runs the risk of carbon monoxide leaks. The gas is colorless and odorless, making it harder to detect and very life-threatening.


Having annual tune ups will help catch any safety risks and give you peace of mind that your furnace is working properly.

Reduces Repairs

Every winter, we receive emergency calls with heating problems that leave families in some very chilly situations. More often than not, these emergencies could have been prevented with regular maintenance. A furnace tune-up includes cleaning and checking for small problems that could turn into major repairs down the road.

Maintain Your Manufacturer’s Warranty

Most quality furnaces offer a 10-year warranty option. A well-cared for furnace can last up to 20 years, so you’ll want to regularly check your furnace to make sure that it still qualifies for its warranty. If you do need to use that warranty in the future, service records will be required to prove that you’ve been taking care of it.

Stay Warm This Winter

Knowing the condition of your furnace before the cold weather kicks in will save you a lot of grief. If your furnace isn’t going to last the North Dakota winter, you have plenty of time to replace it before it gets very cold outside. The last thing you want is to be woken up, freezing cold at 2 a.m. because the furnace stopped working!



At HVAC Service, we can provide you with everything you’ll need this winter, from installations to tune ups and even repairs. Visit HVAC Service to learn more about our services and to book your furnace tune up today!